Paint Your Face Away
Shinji Toya
Online Platform (, Digital Painting Programme, Face Detection Algorithms, Digitised Acrylic Painting.
An online application based on a previous workshop project Paint Your Face Away.
Originally commissioned by Fotomuseum Winterthur for the exhibition SITUATIONS/Strike in 2020.
Version 2.0 of the web application was developed with the support of Oscar Cass-Darweish and Hugues Quesnel, and presented at the Drop-in workshop at the V&A Late November 2024.

Credits (for Version 1.0)
Production support:
Alejandro Daniel Ball from Agorama (Full stack development support)
Ashwin D’Cruz (Machine Learning expertise and advice)
Tobias Stenberg (Coding contribution)
Research advice and inspiration by:
Simon Crowe
Alexander Fefegha from Comuzi
Marco De MuTiis
Special thanks:
Jonathan Brantschen | Compiler (Tanya Boyarkina & Oscar Cass-Darweish) | Inês Costa | Rebecca Edwards | Max Dovey | Claudel Goy | Trisan Deschamps-Lange | Sam Mercer | Mona Schubert | Jon Uriarte | Nimrod Vardi | Anna Viani | Nadine Wietlisbach | Fotomuseum Winterthur
The tools used include:
Javascript: P5.js, ml5.js, face-api.js (TensorFlow.js) / Max MSP Jitter.