DIY Guide: How to measure the amount of carbon reduction

DIY Guide: How to measure the amount of carbon reduction made through image compression

Shinji Toya

> Create three pages on your website:

1) A page with minimum content
2) A copy of the page (1) with the original uncompressed image uploaded to it
3) A copy of the page (1) with the compressed image uploaded to it

> Measure the carbon emissions of all the pages created above on

> Work on the calculations below with the measured results: 

Below gives you the amount of reduced emissions through compression when hosted on your server:
[The emissions of (2)] minus [The emissions of (3)]

Below give you the carbon emissions made through downloading the compressed image from your server (i.e. purely the image: excluding other parts of the web page)
[The emissions of (3)] minus [The emissions of (1)]