Terms for Submitting portraits - 29 November 2024, at V&A Friday Late
Please agree to the following in order to submit your portrait image:
*In this document “Artist” refers to Shinji Toya.
- You confirm you are aged 18 or over, or able to give consent.
- Where the submitted image is owned by you or you are permitted to license the artist for his usage of the image, you agree to give the artist permission to use, modify, publish, circulate and make derivative works of the submitted image for his art projects.
- The portrait will be uploaded to the artist's Dropbox.com account. This uses a connection protected by an SSL certificate.
- On 29 November at the V&A Late event, the portrait will be viewable for the public onsite on screens as a slideshow installation. This slideshow automatically showcase images submitted to the artist's Dropbox.com account.
- You understand that the image may contain your facial features and it will be stored on the artist's DropBox account, the artist's website server at one.com with the domain name www.paintyourfaceaway.net and shinjitoya.com, as well as the artist’s own data storage devices.
- You agree that the portraits may be published on the artist's platforms. The sites of publication of the submitted image will be the websites that host the project www.paintyourfaceaway.net, the artist's website www.shinjitoya.com or the project's related future platforms that may be built. If in the next 12 calendar months, the submitted image will not be published on the platforms, your submitted image will be deleted from all the data storage spaces mentioned above.
- You understand that the artist may not be able to respond to your request to delete the submitted portrait file if the portrait alone is not enough to verify that it is your picture and the picture depicts you, since the artist does not collect your email contact through the submission form. Alternatively, if you would like to leave your contact to the artist so that you can later potentially request the deletion of the portrait, please speak to the artist.