Workshop Resources (30 May 2024)

    Workshop Resources (30 May 2024)   [Part 1: Carbon Measure] >> Spreadsheets for carbon measure exercises ———————- [Part 2: Compression and lightweight digital image-making tools] JPEG Compression -…

Workshop Resources (17 Sep 2024)

…emissions of online practice. [Compression and lightweight digital image-making tools] JPEG Compression – TinyPNG Pixel art tool – Pixelit Dither algorithms – Ditherit Ascii art – Ascii…

Workshop questions 30 May 2024

Discussion As a group – discuss any of the questions below in any order: Have you come across any digital methods you’d like to experiment with for your practice? What…

Workshop Reference List

…(2020) Ways of machine seeing, Geoff Cox (2016) Presentation by Katharine Jarmul at Transmediale Symposium 2020 – Exchange #5: Neural Network Cultures [YouTube] (2020) [Longer materials] Working…

WS References 1

…Network Cultures [YouTube] (2020) [Longer materials] Working with Faces – A journey into the art of face analysis and classification, Kyle McDonald (2020) Introduction to Adversarial Machine Learning,…

Automatic Abstract Painter

…with countless unknown pictures without much repetition or any finalised form. [A sample 3D model for the installation of Automatic Abstract Painter No.3, Version 4.0] (2013-2015) With the latest version

Heaviness of the Cloud

…– References – de Valk, M. (2021) ‘A pluriverse of local worlds: A review of Computing within Limits related terminology and practices’, LIMITS Workshop on Computing within Limits [Preprint]. Available…

Lives Of Your Smartphones

…Image: Max Colson]     [Screenshots of a submitted device of Lives of Your Smartphones showing how the device image transforms. Made with Arbitrary Image Stylization by Magenta and RunwayML.]…

Dump and Forget Social Media Posts

Dump and Forget Social Media Posts (Work-in-progress: 2017-) Website based participatory platform with the submitted social media posts by the anonymous members of public WEBSITE LINK | SUBMISSION FORM The…

Paint Your Face Away

…(Un-)Archived Faces untitled.profiles/000 | p2p web version untitled.profiles/001 | p2p web version untitled.profiles/002 | p2p web version untitled.profiles/003 | p2p web version untitled.profiles/004 untitled.profiles/014 untitled.profiles/015 (The p2p web versions are…

SPACE LCN Practice Examples

commissioned by Fotomuseum Winterthur) Paint Your Face Away, 1st iteration – workshop at Tate Britain Paint Your Face Away, 2nd iteration – web application commissioned by Fotomuseum Wintherthur…


2018 | SPACE Art + Technology artists in residence – interview. 2018 | Paris College of Art, on Please, Express Yourself – Just Do It 2018 | Machines Will Watch…


…Max Dovey | Claudel Goy | Trisan Deschamps-Lange | Sam Mercer | Mona Schubert | Jon Uriarte | Nimrod Vardi | Anna Viani | Nadine Wietlisbach | Fotomuseum Winterthur The…